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Glossary: Research & Development

Glossary of key terms: Unit 5.6 Research & Development (HL Only)

Adaptive creativity

Refers to incremental innovation, which adjusts or develops a product or process that already exists.


Legal protection for the owners of published works, including those of authors, artists, composers, journalists, musicians, photographers, and film directors.


The section of R&D that is concerned with adapting existing ideas and products in order to commercialise new products in a financially feasible way.


The commercialization of a new idea in order to fulfil existing customer needs or to create an unmet customer wants (desires).

Innovative creativity

Refers to innovation that involves creating entirely new products and/or processes.

Paradigm innovation

Type of innovation that involves R&D focusing on radical innovation that has the capability of changing the nature of a market.


The exclusive right given to the registered owner to commercialise an invention, for a pre-determined length of time.

Position innovation

Type of innovation that involves R&D focusing on altering customer perceptions of a brand or product.

Process innovation

Type of innovation that involves R&D focusing on developing new methods of production (or work practises) or product delivery.

Product innovation

Type of innovation that involves R&D focusing on creating new products or developing (improving) existing ones.


A test (or trial) version of a product to determine whether it addresses the unmet needs of customers, thereby gauging the chances of commercial success.


The section of R&D that is concerned with the creation of new ideas and new products.

Research and development (R&D)

The process of creating new products (goods and services) and processes (how things are down), in order to meet market needs.

Sunrise industry

A rising (growing) industry as there is significant growth potential in the market, so R&D expenditure is justified.

Sunset (declining) industry

A declining industry as there is no or negative growth in the market, so R&D expenditure is minimal or withdrawn.


The sole right to the owner to use a particular sign or symbol that belongs to the organization, such as brand names and business logos.

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