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3.1 Sources of finance

3.1 Sources of finance

Top tip!

There is a lot of technical jargon in this section of the syllabus, so make sure that your students check their understanding of the key terms stated on page 34 of the IB Business Management Guide.

Students can also check and review the glossary of key terms included at the end of each section on the InThinking Business Management website.

Watch this short but entertaining video clip from Dragon's Den that features "Steve Jobs" making a pitch to secure sources of finance for his idea of the iPad:

Of course, Steve Jobs never had to seek any sources of finance from the Dragons - the video clip is a light-hearted way to introduce this topic to students. It does, however, highlight the challenges that entrepreneurs face at times, when trying to secure finance from investors. It also highlights the potential opportunities that investors lose out on by not backing business ideas that may thrive with the financial backing of suitable sources of finance.

InThinking Business Management resources

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