IKEA Australia and Save the Children

Wednesday 12 June 2024

IKEA Australia and Save the Children

A nice case study for teaching Unit 1.3 Corporate social responsibility and embedding Ethics as a key concept...

IKEA Australia and Save the Children launched the "This is not a home" campaign to raise awareness about homelessness caused by domestic violence. The campaign features installations at IKEA's Tempe store, in New South Wales, showcasing real-life scenarios like cars, tents, and sofas (belonging to friends) being used as homes.

IKEA's effort highlights the harsh realities faced by over 120,000 homeless Australians, including many women and children fleeing violence. IKEA and Save the Children aim to support survivors with financial aid, housing, and home furnishings. IKEA's customers are encouraged to donate in-store or online to help these survivors on their journey to recovery and stability.

Source: adapted from IKEA Australia

Read more about business objectives here.

Read more about corporate social responsibility (CSR) here.

Read more about ethics here.