B1.1 Carbohydrates - Written tasks
These written tasks are designed to help students to practise using their knowledge and skills. In the topic of carbohydrates and lipids this includes the use of SI unit prefixes, identification of monosaccharides, describing the form and function of triglyceride molecules and analysing the structure and function of cellulose in plant cell walls.
B1.1 Carbohydrates and lipids
Scientific skills
Specific skills mentioned in this topic include;
- Preparation of microscope slides of living cells.
- Identification of cells in images from microscopes.
- Identification of organelles in cells.
This application may be used as a lens through which to view this topic.
- Deductive reasoning can be used to make predictions.
E.g. Predict that an new organism with cells containing prokaryote features will be a bacterium.
Written task 1 - Cellulose structure and function.
B1.1 Cellulose - written task 1
This structured extension question is in the style of the IB exam questions but it has a particular emphasis on the concepts of molecular shape, the themes of form and function and links between our understanding...
Written task 2 - Connect the structure with the function of Triglycerides
B1.1 Triglycerides - written task 2
This structured extension question is in the style of the IB exam questions. It has a particular focus on the properties of triglycerides and their uses in mammals. The question begins with a little bit of information which provides a few hints but not the answers.
Written task 3 - Recognise monosaccharide molecules
B1.1 Recognising sugars - written task 3
This structured extension question is in the style of the IB exam questions with a particular emphasis on the recognition of biological molecules.
Written task 4 - Find information in the question introduction.
B1.1 Prefixes & NOS - written task 4
This structured extension question is in the style of the IB exam question using the prefixes for SI units grams and metres.