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Commercial genetic tests NOS - reading activity

These panels contain information about commercial genetic tests that cover the NOS details from D1.3 of the DP Biology guide.

1. Commercial genetic testing

NOS: Commercial genetic tests can yield information about potential future health and disease risk.

Listen to the discussion on this Soundcloud recording.

Read the paper about commercial genetic testing, and the use of SNP arrays.

2. Genetic results interpretation

NOS: One possible impact of commercial genetic testing is that, without expert interpretation, from a genetic councillor this information could be misinterpreted, give false reassurance when a treatment may be beneficial, cause anxiety without a medical support.

Watch the short but detailed video about best practice for interpreting results of genetic testing to customers..

This video illustrates some of the different types of genetic information and some of the potential problems.

Consider the following questions.


  1. How does a customer take a sample of their DNA at home?

  2.  Why does the realisation that most risk factors exist in an environmental context cause problems for predicting disease risk?

  3. Why do General doctors G.P.s have difficulty interpreting the results of these genetic tests.

  4. What are some of the potential problems which can occur when genetic test results are communicated to customers directly?



3. Further reading

Further information can be found on this site:

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