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Plant growth 9.3

This is a quiz of multiple choice style questions about the plant growth, topic 9.3

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What is the name given to areas of undifferentiated cells in the apex of roots and shoots of growing plants?

The apex is the tip (apical)   Lateral is at the side, lateral meristems are found where branches or leaves form on the stem.


The microscope image and diagram below show the tip of an onion root.  What are the characteristic of the cells in the root tip which form the meristem?

They are small undifferentiated cells, often undergoing mitosis, found just behind the tip of the root.

At the very tip, there are some larger cells which form the root cap, which prevents damage to the meristem behind it.


What is the name of the plant hormone which causes this unusual plant growth towards a window?

Auxin is the plant hormone which causes phototropism.


Development of leaves and the growth of the stem in plants requires new cells.  Which processes together provide these cells in the meristem?

Mitosis divides the nucleus and then cell division occurs dividing the cytoplasm.

Cell elongation is important in the growth of the shoot but it noes not provide new cells.


Name the response shown by the plant in the image below which causes it to grow towards the light?

Phototropism is the growth of a plant, towards or away from a source of light, in response to the light.

Plant shoots often grow towards light so they can maximise their photosynthesis.


The graph below shows the results of an experiment to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of auxin on the growth of some seedlings.  The graph shows the change in length of the seedlings as a percentage of the change in length in a control group which had no auxin added.

Which of the following statements is the best description of the change in lengh of the shoots in concentrations of 10-1 and 10-2

At these values the change in length is negative.

If the shoots changed in length 0% as much as the control group, then the change in length would be the same in both.

The higher the % the greater the increase in lengh of the test group.

Values below 0% show that the growth of the test group was slower.  -100% would show that there had been no growth.


Micropropagation uses plant tissue from the shoot apex to create clones of the original plant.

Which of the following suggestions are potential applications of this technique?

As all the plants produced by micropropagation are genetically identical there will be no increase in the genetic variety in the gene pool.  The procedure produces many small plants which may have a beneficial characteristic, e.g. drought tollerance, or resistant to pests, but existing plants are not changed using this process.


What is the best description of a plan meristem?

Of course a meristem is undergoing mitosis, the cells are undifferentiated and often small.


Which of the following is thought to be used inside plants to move auxin within a growing shoot?

Auxin efflux pumps move auxin away from light and towards the shady part of a growing shoot.


The graph below shows the results of an experiment to test five concentrations of auxin on the growth of some seedlings.  The graph shows the change in length of the seedlings as a percentage of the change in length in a control group which had no auxin added.

Which of the following statements is the best explanation of the results?

Be careful interpreting the scale.  10-4 = 0.0001 , 10-3 = 0.001  and 100=1

The y-axis is also potentially confusing.  0% means that the shoots grow the same amount as the control group.


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