Assessment & revision
There is no getting away from assessment. This page leads to a range of resources to help teachers and students to review and revise the understandings and skills set out in the IB guide.
There are many resources for reviewing knowledge and understanding on this site.
All sections can be found using the navigation menu on the left.
The Exams
The IB uses a criterion based approach to assessment. This means that students work is judged against identified levels of attainment and not against the work of other students. At the grade award meeting...
IB style topic tests
These test are designed to help teachers assess students at the end of each topic and to help students practise IB style questions. They have been written specially for InThinking Biology by experienced...
Multiple Choice Quizzes
These multiple choice quizzes are designed to help students check their understanding of each section of the course.They are arranged for biological sub-topics so that students can revise then test their...
A3 topic revision sheets
The revision sheets cover selected points from each topic to give students a useful overview and test their knowledge of the main aspects. The worksheets will also help students to identify areas which...
Key biological terms - by topic
Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could have a list of all the key biological terms for the whole IB Biology course on your mobile phone. Studying them couldn't be easier; in the car, in the lunch...
There are even more quizzes, revision mindmaps and more on our sister site