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Respiration SL quiz 2.8

This is a quiz of multiple choice style questions about respiration for the SL topic 2.8

They are self-marking questions, so you can click on 'check' to see whether you have the answer correct.

Each question has a helpful note written by an examiner.  Great for revision.

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Which of the following is the best definition of 'cell respiration'?

The best answer is the controlled release of energy etc. because it also includes ATP and it does not limit the process to glucose.

Ventilation of the lungs / breathing is not ''cell respiration",  but you knew that didn't you?


What is the difference between anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration in cells?

The high yield of ATP is one of the key features of aerobic respiration, and the mitochondria are the site of most of the aerobic pathway, from pyruvate to carbon dioxide and water.


In an experiment on avocado seeds some biologists measure the rate of release of carbon dioxide from the seeds at the beginning of their storage.

The graph on the right shows the results for two different seeds over the first sixteen days.

Which of the following statements is a correct interpretation of the data shown in the graph?

The results are similar between the two experiments and they rise and fall at similar times, so they don't seem unreliable.

The overall trend is one of a decrease in the release of carbon dioxide, and thus respiration, but only one seed shows an increase at 11 days.


In an experiment to measure the rate of respiration some peas were placed into three test tube

What is the chemical which absorbs the carbon dioxide that is likely to be added to the absorbent cotton?

Carbon dioxide can be absorbed by an alkali.  Sodium hydroxide, or potassium hydroxide are often used.


In this experiment to measure the rate of respiration, shown below, peas were tested.

What would you expect to see happening in the three capillary tubes during an experiment lasting 1 hour?

Although very slow respiration will be happening in the dried peas, this wil not be noticeable in the 1 hour experiment.

Only the germinating peas will be respiring at a fast enough rate to move the bubble in the capillary tube.

The absorbent cotton will absorb the carbon dioxide produced and this causes the bubble to move downwards.


Muscle contraction require a lot of energy during strenuous exercise.  Sometime this is more than can be provided by aerobic respiration alone.  Which of the following statements best describes what happens when muscles are short of energy during strenuous exercise?

Muscle cells will use anaerobic and aerobic respiration at hte same time when undergoing strenuous exercise.


In humans what is produced by muscle cells carrying out anaerobic respiration?

Anaerobic respiration in human produces lactate (sometimes called lactic acid)


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