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Lab protocols for the Biology IB guide

There are seven experiments which are prescribed by the new biology guide.

An understanding of these experiments will be assessed in the new first section of paper 3 on experimental skills.
Students will therefore need to have hands on experience of these experiments in particular. It is expected that short answer, structured questions will assess the skills to carry out the experiments, analyse the data and evaluate the results

This page is a catalogue of links for each of the prescribed labs in the new guide.
Scroll down to see the list of labs and thumbnails of the links.

Practical 1, Topic 1.1
Calculation of magnification or actual size from microscope images.


The Open Door Web Site : Working in the Laboratory : Observing in Biology

Some specimens that you observe in biology will be so small that you cannot see them with the naked eye. In these cases you will need a much more powerful microscope, called the compound microscope. This microscope...


DP Biology: Cell Theory Investigation

The focus of this investigation of cell theory is to see how microscope images provide evidence to support the theory and how some notable exceptions challenge it.


DP Biology: Calculating Magnification and Size

In this activity students are shown how to calculate magnification and image sizes using scale bars. Then they learn how to calculate specimen size using magnification. The resources can be projected...

Practical 2 Topic 1.4
Estimation of osmolarity in tissues:

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DP Biology: Onion cell plasmolysis experiment

This experiment is a good introduction to data processing. Students collect data about onion cell plasmolysis in different solute concentrations, and use the results to identify 50% plasmolysis.


Investigating the effect of concentration of blackcurrant squash on osmosis in chipped potatoes

In this investigation, you prepare a range of dilutions of blackcurrant squash. Cut potato chips, weigh them and place them in the various solutions. Leave them for osmosis to occur. Remove the potato...


Osmosis in bell pepper pericarp tissue

A new version of the classic osmosis practical measuring weight change of tissues in various osmotic solutions using bell pepper instead of potato.

Practical 3 Topic 2.5
Investigation of a factor affecting enzyme activity:

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Microscale investigations of catalase activity in plant extracts

Different plant materials show very different amounts of catalase activity – and the most metabolically active tissues show the greatest activity.


DP Biology: Yeast and Catalase Experiment

Students carry out a circus of three simple enzyme experiments measuring the rate of hydrogen peroxide and catalase enzyme.


Student Sheet 14 - Phosphatase Enzymes in Plants

This is a standard protocol to extract phosphatase enzymes from plants, including a method to calculate the rate of reaction.

Practical 4 Topic 2.9
Separation of photosynthetic pigments by chromatography:

Practical 5 Topic 4
Attempting to create a sealed mesocosm - Garden in a bottle

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The Mesocosm Lab

A mesocosm is an ecosystem in miniature, providing a useful middle ground between an indoor lab and the great outdoors.


Tiny Terrariums

Here is a great, easy and inexpensive project perfect for kicking off the weekend with the family or getting in touch with your inner farmer.  Also, a great way to...


DP Biology: Mesocosm Lab

The IB are not the first to think of making a mesocosm. Bill Latimer set one up in his living room in 1960 and hasn"t watered it since 1973. See the whole story here. There are other places where mesocosms...

Practical 6 Topic 6.4
Monitoring of ventilation at rest and after mild and vigorous exercise.

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DP Biology: Ventilation & lung disease

Students consider muscle contractions which cause the pressure changes inside the thorax that force air in and out of the lungs to ventilate them. This is followed by an experiment.


Measuring ventilation using a data logger...

Monitor the respiratory patterns using a respiration belt will be strapped around the test subject and connected to a computer-interfaced Gas Pressure sensor


Using a spirometer to investigate human lung function

A spirometer is the standard equipment used to measure the capacity of the human lungs. Check the spirometer has been set up correctly and disinfected.

Practical 7 Topic 9.1 (HL)
Measurement of transpiration rates using potometers

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This experiment will measure transpiration rates under different conditions of light, humidity, temperature, and air movement. The data will be collected by measuring pressure changes.


DP Biology: Experiments on Transpiration.

What makes a good experiment?How can you estimate the uncertainty of any apparatus?What would the units be of the "Rate of transpiration"Carry out the activities on the Simple transpiration experiments...


Measuring rate of water uptake by a plant shoot using a potometer

In this activity the rate of water uptake, due to transpiration, by a shoot from a woody plant, is measured by timing how long a bubble takes to move a set distance, in the capillary tube.

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