A2.2 Compare cells - written task

This structured extension question is in the style of the IB exam questions but it has a particular emphasis on the concepts, the themes and links between them.

  • It requires analytical skills more than factual recall.
  • This could be a classroom task, a revision moment or a homework activity.
  • There is a hidden model answer which appears when the answer is submitted.


This electron microscope image shows cells in the roots of a soya bean plant. 
It's unusual to see prokaryote cells in symbiosis with eukaryote cells.
This is an example of a mutualistic relationship that fixes nitrogen, part of the nitrogen cycle.

Outline four differences between the structure of a prokaryote cell and a eukaryotic plant cell. (4 marks)

10 lines

Note to teacher:

The presence of membrane-bound organelles is one mark point.

In each statement, there must be a comment about both types of cells for a mark to be awarded.



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