Individual music lessons - as a model for ATL
I've thought for a while that one of the transferable benefits of students learning a musical instrument is the coaching they get in how to learn. Music teachers can achieve this with their students in groups, in orchestra, bands, and in one to one lessons. I'm an amateur musician which kindled my interest. I've often admired good conductors and good music teachers who I've known.
I was watching a video of a music lesson about something I'd really love to be able to do one day. It's a video of a 45 minute lesson with an adult learner and I noticed that the teacher give endless encouragement, nodding, smiling, pointing out positive achievement. Nothing is graded as, "wrong" but many things require the student to, 'try it a little more like this.", or "could you sing it so that I could write it down". In addition to this "Process praise" I couldn't help noticing several IB ATLs.
I'd like to point to five places in the video which illustrate some of the pedagogical principles underpinning IB ATL. Would it be possible to do these things in IB Biololgy? See more about approaches to teaching and learning in the IB here.