InThinking Biology Mock Exam papers
Thursday 26 December 2024
There is a real shortage of examination resources at the moment for classes taking the exams in Biology 2025.
The specimen papers are easily found by students on the web, so we need some original questions in the style of the new exams.
The question style is not really changed in the new guide, but it's not so easy to adapt past papers. There are some new skills mentioned and several new topics.
Here at InThinking we are working on a set of exam papers which will take the style of the summer 2025 exams.
The papers will be ready at the start of January 2025 and will have the following structure:
- Paper 1a - Multiple choice quesions
- Paper 1b - Questions testing skills and NOS based on data conneted to the syllabus
- Paper 2 - Three sections,
- Data based questions based on an unfamiliar research paper
- Shorter answer structured questions based on the Biology syllabus
- Extended response questions in three parts, connected by a concept or theme.
As a teaser, here is the SL paper 1b
Mock exam - Paper 1B - Standard level
This test is the second half of Paper 1. (The first half of paper 1 is the multiple choice.)
It assesses skills from the syllabus through questions that are often connected to practical work.Calculators can be used...
And here is the model answer page for the same paper
Mock Exam - Paper 1b SL - model answers
These are suggested model answers for the InThinking Mock Exam paper 1b.As model answers they don't cover all the possible options for correct responses, but they provide a very good guide for students...