Online tools #2 - Quizlet live
Saturday 4 February 2017
It's the time of the year when students need guidance about exam tecnhique. In particular reminders about the exact meaning of the command terms. I often give out a list of Explanations of tricky command terms, but how can I get students to read it? Of course getting the students to use the sheet while answering past paper questions is ideal. It helps them inprove their answers, especially as for each 'definition' I have added two of three hints about what type of things to write.
However there is an online tool which can make looking at this a bit of fun. Quizlet.
The free flashcard website Quizletis porbably well known by most students, and teachers. Take a look at these flashcards on the site itself. Tricky command terms flashcards on the Quizlet site
Students can study the terms one at a time, but that's a bit dull, it's far better to play the game Quizlet live - the new collaborative and competative game Quizlet live using the flashcards.
- Students work in groups of three.
- The question (command term) appears on the screen and so do a selection of possible answers (explanations)
- The exciting thing is that each student in the group gets different cards and so only one student has the correct answer.
- Accuracy is more important than speed
- Students have to communicate with each other - and talk about the meaning of command terms.
- Nice graphics and a scoreboard to display in the lesson makes it more competitive and engages students.