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Assessment skills

This section explains the key assessment skills that you need for the four assessment components: Criterion A: Listening comprehension; Criterion B: Reading comprehension; Criterion C: Speaking and Criterion D: Writing.

The four sections

Criterion A: Listening

The assessment consists of a spoken multimodal text, such as a video, followed by questions. This section will help you with key skills needed to complete your task effectively.

Criterion B: Reading

The assessment consist of reading a written text with pictures or images, followed by questions. This section will help you with key skills needed to complete your task effectively.

Criterion C: Speaking

This task assesses your abilities to speak in Spanish. The topic will depend on the unit you are studying. This section will help you with the key skills needed to complete your task effectively.

Criterion D: Writing

This assessment consists of writing a text. This section will help you with the skills needed to complete your task effectively.

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