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TASKS Skim normal

The evolution of ingenuity ... The use of language is ingenuity in action. The selection of words, the organisation of ideas, the adjustment to audience and context - all of these require the constantly daily application of ingenuity, even at the most banal level. Of course, language is itself a factor in how our intelligence evolves, and this is particularly applicable at present due to the swirling changes in the software and hardware of communication.


(i) Open the file in the box below, and read the short text #1...

(ii) What do you see as the main idea of this text?

(iii) How do you respond to the ideas of the text? How does these ideas relate to your own experience?

(iv) Make notes about your thoughts... Then...

(v) Open the file in the box below, and read the short text #2...

Quiz - Grasping the main idea + key vocabulary

> Once you have read and absorbed both texts, do the following exercise

> You should use your understanding of the main idea to help you work out exactly what the various phrases mean

Skim reading #1 text - Considering the conclusion + practising deep reading
Question 1. ... Study the main text, and then decide - by following the logic of the argument - which of the phrases and words listed below fit into which of the gaps.
Click on each word or phrase, and drag into into the appropriate space.
critical analysis      empathy      internalised knowledge      perspective-taking    
generation of insight             analogical reasoning                   inference 

When we learn how to read complex texts in depth, we learn how to handle, and to relate, emotional and logical thinking. We need to combine what we already know, our    , with the skill of being able to relate situations within the text with situations outside it using    , and the skill of   – being able to work out what is suggested but not stated. All of this helps us to develop skills of    , remembering that this means being able to put oneself in someone else’s place (which does not necessarily mean taking their side). Then we need to relate the text to the world in general: the process of    which means stepping back to see the text in relation to its context, society, and so on. If we can look at a complex text in all these ways, we will be able to carry out     methodically and effectively, which helps us in the     to understand the world better.



Skim reading #2 text - Considering the conclusion + practising deep reading

Questions 2-7 ... read the text carefully, understand the argument, then in the MCQs 2-7, choose the option which best fits the meaning of the word or phrase in the context of the text.

2.  “collateral damage”  (l.2)



3.  “atrophy”   (l.5)







4.   “incentivizes”   (l.7)







5.  “silos”   (l.9)      







6.  “redress”   (l.13)







7.   “entrenched”   (l.14)







Total Score:


In the following task, you should use both (i) ideas drawn from the 'Skim reading' article provided in two sections, above; and (ii) ideas drawn from your own experience.

> Reflect on both the article, and on how it relates to your own experience. 

> Here is the task...

You have been asked to make a speech in a debate on the motion 'The internet has damaged our ability to read'. Decide whether you want to argue for or against this motion. Write a speech presenting your arguments. You should state clearly your point of view (either for or against), provide two or three main arguments to support your point of view, and criticize at least one of the arguments that might be presented by the other side of the debate.

Words: 400-600



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