Using student access

The Student Access procedure provides a range of tasks which can be set, carried out, monitored, and marked - all online


The simplest way of seeing the range of tasks available is to

  • click on 'Student access', which will open the Student Access dashboard
  • then click on 'Student sitemap', which will show you the full layout of the site, with student access pages identified by colours, as follows...
  • Blue pages (or 'Direct access pages') are automatically available to students once you have created a student group; Orange pages (or 'Filtered access pages') are only available to students when you explicitly select them for a group; Yellow pages are only for teachers.

'Direct access' 

These pages have been designed for reference purposes by the students. This means that at any time a student can check basic information about the following areas:

Grammar - pages which present fundamental grammar rules... and usually contain exercises in the form of quizzes which are 'dynamic' i.e. the questions change every time the page is opened, thus provided on-going revision exercises

Text types - there is a page for each of the main text types specified for exam purposes... summarising key features such as conceptual understandings, register & tone, and expected conventions

Assessment components - there are pages related to each of the assessment components, summarising the ground rules and/or providing exam tips

'Filtered access'

These pages have been designed to provide a range of activities based on a wide variety of stimulus materials. As the teacher, you then select what you want, when you want, to fit into your ongoing programme for each group. These pages, usually titled 'TASKS...', can be found in several sections of the site, including:

Themes - many of the pages dealing with the five Themes required by the Subject Guide have Student Access pages attached, using the same basic material, often in different ways, and with additional tasks

TOK, language & communication - where appropriate, this section has Student Access pages suitable for students to do preliminary study of the material

Diagnostic tests - this section provides several complete exams, each composed of three stimulus texts which can be used separately as shorter tests. A useful way of monitoring students' linguistic progress.

The 'TASKS' pages mostly contain online versions of material available in on-paper or in-class format in the main page that shares the same name. So, the Student Access material should be seen as complementary - you can organise the students' work in-class or online, as is convenient.

Five types of task can be set through Student Access:





Short Answer

You can find this range of tasks by going to 'Student access' > 'All tasks' > 'Add task(s)', where you will find this -

Click on the task you want, then follow the step-by-step procedure.

Note that once you have set up the task by following that simple procedure...

  • students are notified automatically
  • you can follow their progress in real time by selecting the relevant group, and clicking on 'Results manager'...
  • ... when students have completed a task, this is registered automatically
  • Quiz marks are entered in the mark book automatically (i.e. MCQ or gap-fill exercises)
  • Writing and Short Answer tasks will be marked by you, and you yourself enter the marks

In general, by clicking on 'Groups', you can monitor progress, change tasks and add new tasks, select site pages, and organise student groups, as you wish.


Now, go to the page  Task types & purposes  for more detailed explanation of how to use the various Student Access activities for educational purposes.


All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
