The old course

  • These pages offer a quick overview of the old course (exams from 2013-2020). We have kept them on the site because there are so many resources and ideas still worth exploring here, although they will need modification for the current iteration of the course. 
  • The course is intended for native or near-native speakers. Language acquisition is not our 'core business', while the subject-specific, academic language of textual analysis is.
  • The Language and Literature course aims to develop critical literacy skills. This includes close reading and textual analysis.
  • The types of texts in this course range from blogs to poems. The definition of 'text' is extremely broad, as anything that conveys meaning.
  • The course aims to develop one's powers of communication. This includes speaking and writing in different contexts.
  • The course aims to make one aware of the importance of context in understanding texts.

Selected Pages

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