Assessment and Feedback Forms
One of the purposes of the Language and Literature website is to make teaching more straightforward for teachers; to ‘save time’, as it were. With this in mind, teachers can access, on this page, a range of blank documents to record assessment and provide feedback for individual students in each of the assessed course components. Feedback sheets – with the exception of the Further Oral Activity, which requires a Reflective Statement - include space for students to record their aims for improvement.
Each form is published in Word (see collapsible boxes) and Pdf formats. Teachers may wish to modify forms published in MS Word to better suit their own practice or teaching situation. Please do so.
Please use the forms judiciously. That is, research on assessment and learning suggests that it may not generally be good practice to numerically grade students on the work they do; written feedback may be better where the intention is to improve student learning over time. Combining numerical grading and written feedback may be no better; students are often instrumental beings, and a numerical grade may distract students from paying attention to written, qualitative feedback. Also, teachers have to be aware of their own teaching circumstance. Not all schools share Internal Assessment marks with students since such marks are subject to a process of moderation.
However, there are times, such as after internal and mock exams, where students do need to be made aware of their progress and teachers need to record such information for reporting purposes and preparing predicted grades. In addition, teachers need to develop an understanding of student development over time if teaching and learning is to be in any sense individualized. The published forms are intended to support these kinds of needs.
Assessment and Feedback Forms
Paper 1: Textual Analysis (SL)
Student’s Name: Assessment: Date:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Understanding of the text.
/5 |
B. Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features.
/5 |
C. Organization and development.
/5 |
D. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /20
| ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
| ||
Aims for Improvement (student to complete):
Paper 1: Comparative Textual Analysis (HL)
Student’s Name: Assessment: Date:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Understanding and comparison of the texts.
/5 |
B. Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features.
/5 |
C. Organization and development.
/5 |
D. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /20
| ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
| ||
Aims for Improvement (student to complete):
Paper 2: Essay (SL)
Student’s Name: Assessment: Date:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Knowledge and understanding.
/5 |
B. Response to the question.
/5 |
C. Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features.
/5 |
D. Organization and development.
/5 |
E. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /25
| ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
| ||
Aims for Improvement (student to complete):
Paper 2: Essay (HL)
Student’s Name: Assessment: Date:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Knowledge and understanding.
/5 |
B. Response to the question.
/5 |
C. Understanding of the use and effects of stylistic features.
/5 |
D. Organization and development.
/5 |
E. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /25
| ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
| ||
Aims for Improvement (student to complete):
Written Task 1 (SL and HL): Feedback on First Draft
Student’s Name:
Criteria Comments
A. Rationale.
B. Task and content.
C. Organization.
D. Language and style.
General comments (teacher to complete):
| |
Aims for improvement (student to complete):
Written Task 2 Critical Response HL only
Written Task 2: Critical Response (HL Only) - Feedback on First Draft
Student’s Name:
Criteria Comments
A. Outline.
B. Response to the question.
C. Organization and argument.
D. Language and style.
General comments (teacher to complete):
| |
Aims for improvement (student to complete):
Further Oral Activity (HL and SL)
Student’s Name: Date:
Part of Course: Topic/Text:
Type of Activity:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Knowledge and understanding of the text(s) and subject matter or extract.
/10 |
B. Understanding of how language is used.
/10 |
C. Organization.
/5 |
D. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /30
| ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
Individual Oral Commentary (HL and SL)
Student’s Name: Date:
Text: Extract:
Criteria Mark Comments
A. Knowledge and understanding of the text or extract.
/10 |
B. Understanding of the use and effects of literary features.
/10 |
C. Organization.
/5 |
D. Language.
/5 |
Final Mark/Grade: /30 | ||
General Comments (teacher to complete):
| ||
Aims for Improvement (student to complete, where the commentary has been completed for training or practice purposes):