8. The Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia: Graded student essays
On this page you will find sample essays on this topic, written by students. There are also some suggested activities that you could do with the essays.
1. Stalin, domestic policies to 1941
To what extent were Stalin's domestic policies successful up to 1941?T
2. Stalin: domestic policies 1929 to 1953
'He brought his country and his people nothing but harm’. To what extent do you agree with this assessment of Stalin’s domestic policies in the USSR between 1929 and 1953?
3. Stalin: domestic policies 1945 to 1953
Examine the political and economic developments in the USSR between 1945 and 1953.
4. Khrushchev: de-Stalinisation
To what extent did Khrushchev follow a policy of de-Stalinisation?
5. Khrushchev: domestic policies
Evaluate the success of Khrushchev’s domestic policies
6. Collapse of Soviet control
Discuss the reasons for the collapse of Soviet control in central and eastern Europe.
7. Gorbachev and end of Cold War (Paper 2 Topic 12 essay)
To what extent was Gorbachev responsible for bringing about the end of the Cold War?