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PS1: Military Leaders

This prescribed subject covers the military leaders of Genghis Khan and Richard I.

An outline of the key themes is given below.

Full details of this prescribed subject can be found here.

This prescribed subject looks at Genghis Khan and Richard I under the key themes of Leadership, Campaigns and Impact. This gives the opportunity of drawing comparison between the two men during teaching although questions will never be set which require comparisons!

1. Genghis Khan: From rats to riches (ATL)

In these pages, you will be introduced to one of the most formidable medieval political and military figures - Genghis Khan. The material will outline the various factors that led to the rise and consolidation...

2. Richard I of England: Rex Bellicosus (ATL)

In these pages, you will be introduced to one of the most significant medieval political and military figures of England dubbed "the Lionheart" - Richard I. The material will outline the various factors...

3. PS1 Military leaders: Full source papers

On this page you will find full source papers and mark schemes for both case studies.The first document focuses on Richard's treatment of minorities and other non-Christians; click on the eye or download...

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