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Topic 10: Authoritarian States (20th Century)

This topic focuses on the factors that led to the emergence of authoritarian states in the 20th Century, the methods they used to consolidate and maintain power and the impact of their policies.

You will need to cover at least two Authoritarian States from different regions though it is recommended that you study three to allow students to have a choice when answering comparative questions. See below for the states that we have covered here.

With each state you must cover the prescribed content for each of the three themes

The three themes for this topic are:

1. How the state emerged and how power was established - economic, social and political factors; use of propaganda, force,

2. How power was consolidated and maintained; legal methods versus use of force, treatment of opposition, impact of foreign policy

3. Aims and results of policies: social, economic, political, cultural. The extent of authoritarian control.

For a full description of the themes and prescribed content for each theme check the IB syllabus for Topic 10 which can be found here.

An introduction to themes and prescribed content (ATL)

This page aims to introduce students to the concept of authoritarian states and to think about the themes and prescribed content that they will need to consider in their study of authoritarian states....

Case Study Topic 10: Castro (ATL)

The ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Castro's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.The aim of the ATL here and the essay planning (see...

Case Study Topic 10: Hitler (ATL)

Case Study: HitlerThe ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Hitler's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.Key details of Hitler's rule are...

Case Study Topic 10: Mao (ATL)

Case Study: Mao ZedongThe ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Mao's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.The key details of Mao's rule...

Case Study Topic 10: Mussolini (ATL)

Case Study: MussoliniThe ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Mussolini's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.More details of Mussolini's...

Case Study Topic 10: Stalin (ATL)

Case Study: StalinThe ATL on this page are for students to investigate the key themes connected with Stalin's rise and consolidation of power and the nature of his rule.The key details of Stalin's rule...

Comparative essay planning for authoritarian states

This page gives some suggestions for activities and plans which require students to compare two authoritarian states; this skill is key for this paper and students need plenty of practice in planning...

Graded student essays for Authoritarian States

Paper Two essays will expect students to analyse one or two authoritarian states on a topic inked to one of the themes on the prescribed content. If two examples are required these will need to be from...

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