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2. Developing study skills

This section looks at the key skills that you need as a starting point for any historical investigation. It includes help on finding relevant sources and gives tips on how to effectively read and take notes. It will also look at the range of historical sources that you will come across in your studies and how you can check for the value and limitations of these different sources.

1. Finding relevant sources

Your starting point in learning about a new topic in your IB history programme, or in starting to work on your IA or EE is usually through exploring and identifying...

2. Reading strategies

Do not start by trying to read in detail every book from the first page – you need to develop a range of reading techniques to suit your different purposes.

3. Note taking

When studying History at IB, you will be confronted with various sources of information: textbooks, articles, videos, Internet resources, teacher talk.

4. Working with historical sources

As part of your research for essays – in particular your IA and EE, you will need to go beyond core materials and use a range of historical sources.

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