Topic 02: Causes and Effects of Medieval Wars
In this site, you will explore the causes and consequences of medieval conflicts as well as the ethics and practices of the strategies that guided these wars. The content scope is regional extending from Europe to the Middle East and Africa spanning the period 800-1400s.
Focus will be on three key areas:
(1) the Causes of these wars that identify the ideological and other factors that motivated them.
(2) the Practices of these wars such as the battle tactics, logistics, strategies and role of certain leaders and groups.
(3) the Consequences of these wars in how they not only altered the boundaries that shaped the geography of the time, but the social, political and economic changes.
Causes of Medieval Wars
In this page, you will be introduced to some theories of war and key causes of medieval wars.This page and other pages within this Paper 2 topic will require holistically reading and linking the materials....
Military Personnel
In this page, you will be introduced to the components that constituted the medieval armies with focus on sources and activities.Medieval ArmiesBelow is an outline of some of the key components of the...
Role and Importance of Rulers in War
This page contains links and synoptic content on the role and significance of medieval leaders in war time and peace time. It overlaps with content on other pages within the site. It also includes a number...
Siege Warfare
On this page, you will be introduced to medieval siege warfare; its aims and effects as a strategy in war.Here, you can also link your study of siege warfare to specific examples of battles you may have...
The Effects of Medieval Wars and Conflicts
In this page, you will examine the various effects of medieval wars with historical case studies in order to give a broad scope to the content. There will also be a number of ATL activities to engage...
Women in Medieval Warfare
In this page, you will be introduced to women in wartime within the medieval period examining why they went to war, their militarised roles and the gendered historiography surrounding them within the...