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Topic 06. Causes and effects of Early Modern wars (1500-1750)

This topic investigates the causes, practices and effects of Early Modern wars.

The study of each war needs to follow the three areas of 'prescribed content' and the themes identifies within each area. However the choice of wars is up to you; you will need to cover at least two wars from different regions.

The three themes that need to be covered are:

Causes of war: political, economic, religious, long and short term

Practices of war and the impact on the outcome: the role of leaders, strategies, use of economic and political resources, significance of technological developments and the impact of foreign involvement

Effects: Successes and failures of peacemaking, economic, political, social and religious impact, how populations of the regions were effected


Case study: Thirty Years War

The Thirty Years War was one of the longest armed conflicts in the Early modern period and one of the most devastating - though it can also be viewed as a series of wars fought by many different nations...

2. The Thirty Years' War: Practices

The Thirty Years' War saw Europe experiencing 'total war' for the first time; armies grew rapidly and had to be financed in new ways while populations suffered from the ravages of war on a much larger...

3. The Thirty Years' War: Effects

The negotiations which concluded with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 marked the first time in European history that countries came together (at a congress) to resolve a number of different disputes...

1. The Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire

At the turn of the XVI century, the Aztec Empire was reaching its climax. However, it was also about to come face to face with another, much more powerful expansionist movement. The conquest of the Aztec...

2. The Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire

In 1533 the Inca Empire was the largest in the world. However, when Francisco Pizarro arrived in 1530 from Peru with just 180 men and 27 horses he was made to able take advantage of certain weaknesses...

3. Conquest of Aztec and Inca Empires: Effects

The conquest of the Aztec and Inca populations by the Spanish transformed the continent. The Aztec and Inca populations were subjugated and the political, economic, religious, social and territorial...

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