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PS4: Rights and Protest

Prescribed Subject 4: Rights and protest

This topic covers the struggle for rights and freedoms in the USA and in South Africa.

The main themes for this topic are outlined below but the full syllabus can be found  here

It is important that you read the IB introduction to this topic carefully as well as the prescribed content.

This topic focuses on the struggles for rights and freedoms in two countries:

  • The first focuses on the United States of America during the period of civil rights activism 1954 - 1964.
  • The second focuses on events in South Africa starting with the election of the National Party in 1948 and ending with the imprisonment of Mandela in 1964

Three key themes are identified for each case study: the nature of discrimination that existed, actions and protests that were taken within each country to challenge the discrimination, and the roles of different groups and individuals

As with the other Paper 1 topics, the themes for each case study are the same to allow teachers to draw comparisons between the case studies. However, exams will only ever be set on one of the case studies and will never be of a comparative nature.

See the link above for the full details of each theme.

1. Civil rights movement in the United States (1954–1965) (ATL)

These pages will give you some ideas for teaching and learning activities for the case study on the civil rights movement in the USA. We have included a range of activities which include comprehension...

2. Civil rights movement in the United States: Videos and activities

On this page you will find some suggestions and links to videos that can be used as well as teacher notes with suggestions as to how the videos can be used with students. More video clips can be found...

3. Apartheid South Africa (1948 - 1964) (ATL)

These pages will give you some ideas for teaching and learning activities for the case study on the Apartheid in South Africa. We have included a range of activities which include comprehension exercises,...

4. Apartheid South Africa: Videos and activities

On this page you will find some suggestions and links to videos that can be used as well as teacher notes with suggestions as to how the videos can be used with students. Questions for each video are...

5. PS4: Full source papers Case Study 1

On this page you will find full source papers, markschemes and sample answers, marked by an examiner, for Case Study 1 on the civil rights movement in the United States.The following source paper focuses...

6. PS4: Full source papers Case Study 2

On this page you will find full source papers, markschemes and sample answers, marked by an examiner, for case study 2 on Apartheid South Africa.The following source paper is on the Sharpeville Massacre...

7. PS4 Rights and Protest: Extra resources

On this page we have included some extra websites, reading, fiction and films that are useful for pursuing this topic further. Both of these case studies would be possible areas for further research for...

8. PS4 Rights and Protest: Quizzes

On this page you can find quizzes on this topic to download and give to students.Alternatively students can do interactive quizzes on this topic here.Here are 25 open-ended questions on the Civil Rights...

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