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2. Richard I of England: Rex Bellicosus (ATL)

In these pages, you will be introduced to one of the most significant medieval political and military figures of England dubbed "the Lionheart" - Richard I. The material will outline the various factors that led to the rise and consolidation of Richard's power as as well his successful military expedition abroad in the Holy Land. The material will also provide information on his military skill and expertise, coronation as the King of England in 1189 as well as the importance of his overall leadership to Angevin Success.

1. England 1150-1220

Guiding Questions:What was life like in Medieval England?What was the feudal system and its effect on life in England?What was the government like in medieval England?How does the life and governance...

2. Early Life: Richard's Rise to Power

On this page, you will examine Richard's early life and later life. Through primary and secondary sources, you will also understand the factors that shaped him as a young knight, king and then crusader.

3. The Chivalrous Warrior: Personality, Perspectives and Leadership

On this page, you will find primary and secondary literature on the personality of Richard I as well as the different perspectives on his character and leadership qualities. Guiding Questions:

4. Military Maketh the Man: Richard's Aims and Objectives

Guiding Questions:A number of motives behind Richard's broad activities have been suggested by historians over the last few centuries and as with all famous individuals, perceptions and accounts of him...

5. Richard Overseas: The Third Crusade

On this page, you will look at Richard's military expedition abroad in the Middle East under what is called "The Third Crusade". You will also examine his leadership and achievements from various sources...

6. The Occupation of Sicily

In this section, Richard's occupation of Sicily will be outlined covering the causes, key events and effects along with relevant sources and questions on those sources. [Map: Kingdom of Sicily 11:54...

7. The Conquest of Cyprus

Richard invaded Cyprus on his way to liberate Jerusalem during the Third Crusade. A number of sources from varied origins, different contexts and ideological backgrounds do recount the events related...

8. TOK and Richard I

The materials on this page are to supplement and compliment the content on the Richard I pages. They can be used for starter activities, class activities, homework, research, broader enrichment of a topic...

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