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Case Study: Second World War

The Second World War is a cross-regional case study.  It is also an example of a conflict where the theatres of war: land, sea air, new technology and the extent of human and economic mobilisation could be seen as factors in determining the outcome.

Please see the student essay exemplar page for an example of an essay using the Second World War as a case study: Causes and effects of 20th Century wars: Graded student examples  

1. Second World War: Causes of war in Europe Part I

Case study: The Second World War - in EuropeThis page contains ATL to help students understand the long-term causes of The Second World War in Europe. Essay writing practice for this case study as well...

2. Second World War: Causes of war in Europe Part II

This page contains ATL to help students understand the short-term causes of The Second World War in Europe. Essay writing practice for this case study as well as ideas for videos and how to incorporate...

3. Second World War: Causes of war in Asia - Part I

This page contains ATL activities to help students explore the long-term causes of The Second World War in Asia. There is much overlap here with PS3 Move to Global War: 1. Case study 1: Japanese expansion...

4. Second World War: Causes of war in Asia Part II

This page contains ATL activities to help students explore the short-term causes of the Second World War in Asia. 1. How did China respond to the Japanese threat from 1936?2. Why did the Second Sino-Japanese...

5. Second World War: Practices (ATL)

The Second World War is a case study of a war between states. It is also cross-regional case study. It is an example of a war where you can analyse and evaluate the relative importance of each theatre...

6. Second World War: Effects (ATL)

Guiding questions:What was the situation in Europe and Asia at the end of the Second World War?What were the economic costs of the Second World War?What were the political and ideological effects of the...

7a. Second World War: Essay planning for Paper 2

Second World War essay planningThis page contains essay plans and essay writing activities on the Second World War. For comparative essays involving the Second World War, please go to the comparative...

7. Second World War: Videos and activities

On this page you will find some suggestions and links to videos that can be used as well as teacher notes with suggestions as to how the videos can be used with students. Questions for some of the videos...

Causes and effects of 20th Century wars: Comparative essay planning

This page gives some suggestions for activities and plans which require students to compare two wars.Refer back to the page Essay writing for Paper Two for hints for students on how to structure comparative...

8. Second World War: Extra resources

On these pages you can find suggestions for useful websites as well as for historians' texts that students might find enjoyable to develop their understanding further.Also see this page for resources...

9. Second World War: Quizzes

In this section you can find quizzes which can be used as a starters to a lesson or as an end of topic quiz.On this page there are 'paper' quizzes which you can download and print off for students

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