Snow grain snow pain

Tuesday 22 February 2011

It may not look very impressive by I'm quite pleased with the photograph of snow grains though the 99p lens with my mobile camera. I think its definitely going to be possible to get some data on grain size by magnifying the snow next to a scale like I've done here. Apparently snow grain size is SNWG to  those in the know. Today I went bouldering (climbing boulders). It was very cold but the friction between skin and rock is best when its cold, there is a limit though, I think less than -15 and it might not be possible to regain the feeling in ones finger tips ever again. Walking to the boulders over the snow I noticed how it is beginning to get soft again, when its really cold you can walk ontop of the snow but now the top layer is starting to give way. this means that you walk quite nicely for a while then suddenly a foot breaks through the crust and you almost dislocate a knee.

Tags: EE, Gp4 project, snow, photography