Student access

Why set up student access groups?

  • Tracking of activity assignments
  • Storage of student comments
  • Automatic recorded marks from multiple choice quizzes

How to do it

Follow the instructions on the site Help...

...or this video demonstrates how quick and easy it is to set up.

Setting assignments and using the automatic mark book?

Assignments are tasks set by the teacher.

When a student completes an assignment, the outcome is recorded in the teacher's mark book automatically.

  • Activity assignments: ask students to participate in a page of the website.
    Your mark book automatically ticks the assignment when they have done this.
  • Writing assignments: instruct students to write a comment or discuss in a forum after studying a page of resources.
    These comments were stored automatically in your mark book.
  • qBank assignments: set a multiple choice test for students. 
    The marks are recorded in your mark book without any effort.
All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
