IB Physics online
InThinking Physics can also be used to teach an online course.
STEP 1: Set up Student Access for your class.
STEP 2: Use Student Access to teach new content via Activities. Students can consolidate their learning using MCQs and Tests! You can choose to track when students click through these pages by setting them as 'Reading' assignments.
STEP 3: Assess students' progress by setting our Author's Quizzes. These are automatically marked and the scores will appear in your ThinkIB markbook.
Physics departments that are due to commence the Investigation may wish to delay until the school reopens, but it is possible for your students to use household items or simulations to score marks in the same way as in a lab.
The more pressing concern is likely to be revision before any final internal assessments. This video contains our top tips...
...but we would also like to highlight StudyIB. Unlike ThinkIB (where the teacher mediates engagement between the student and the resources), students engage with StudyIB directly.
Subscribers to ThinkIB Physics get a free 'teacher' account for StudyIB Physics (normally €50 per student). To connect, click here and type in the same email address and password you use for ThinkIB.
We wish you, your students and your school community our very best during this challenging time.