
Did you know...?

As well as writing ThinkIB (for teachers), Chris and Emma also write StudyIB (for students).

ThinkIB is for teachers, with Student Access to activities and quizzes controlled by you. StudyIB is organised as an online revision guide for all Standard and Additional Higher Level topics and two Options (Astrophysics and Engineering). It's got notes, videos, quizzes, flashcards, a virtual tutor, an investigation guide, exam tips, mindmaps and corrected misconceptions.

As a current subscriber to ThinkIB Physics, you have access to StudyIB Physics.

To connect to StudyIB Physics, simply click here and type in the email address and password associated with your ThinkIB account.

We hope you enjoy exploring StudyIB, and invite you to use it however you wish:

  • Inform your content delivery
  • Display notes, videos, quizzes and flashcards in lessons
  • Track your class revision programme
  • An affordable recommendation to students

Student subscriptions cost €50. They can register independently of the school, although some schools have purchased a complete set in place of revision guides or intervention sessions.

StudyIB is not linked to your ThinkIB gradebook and you cannot check on students’ progress in reading assignments. Our suggestion is that you continue to use Student Access on ThinkIB for all your online activities and formative assessment.

All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.
