DL: Peergrade
The following teaching and assessing software came to my attention thanks to Aidan Carr from the UWC International School in Singapore.
Peergrade allows the teacher to set up a peer-review template for individual questions - for example, a mock IA, an SAQ or an ERQ - and then students are able to give feedback to their peers and teachers can moderate the feedback.
The software has a free version that Aidan argues meets all of his needs. Below, Aidan gives us a quick introductory lesson.
Using Peergrade
I asked Aidan why he thought that this was better than simply using Google Docs.
The real benefit over a shared Google doc is that the work students are grading is all anonymised, as is the feedback. Teachers can also respond to any 'flags' where a student disagrees with the feedback they have received - and in that case, both of the students involved receive the teacher's feedback (i.e. that the feedback was justified or not). Our experience has been that teachers love it as soon as they have used it once - our grade 12s have started to request that we do more of it because they gain a lot of insight from the process of trying to apply the rubric to real and diverse answers to the same question.
In the following video, Aidan gives an explanation of how to set up an SAQ assignment for peer review.