Student access: Setting assignments

In Student Access, you can set assignments for your students. When they complete an assignment, the results are automatically recorded in the teacher's mark book.

This page explains how to set three types of assignments: reading, writing, and qBank assignments.

This page is for teachers using student access who have already set up a group of students. To find out how to set up a student group, please read this page first: Student access: Creating groups

Types of assignments

  • Reading assignments ask students to read a page of the website. Your mark book automatically ticks the assignment when they have done this.
  • Writing assignments instruct students to write a comment after studying a page of resources. These comments are stored automatically in your mark book.
  • qBank assignments set a multiple-choice test for students.  The marks are recorded in your mark book without any effort.

How to set an assignment

Setting an assignment is easy on Inthinking.  You can choose whether you want to assign a reading task or a task for submission simply by going to the orange box right under your name in the top left corner of any page.

Choose the group to whom you want to assign this task. Then click on "set as task"

You will then be asked to select a deadline for the assignment.

You may also type in any directions for your students and then press send task.

The assignment now appears in the teacher's assignment list for this group.  Students will see the assignment on the right-hand side of their student dashboard.

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