Beginning of year - professional micro-learning

Tuesday 10 August 2021

As many schools start to reopen for a new school year (in the northern hemisphere) induction and professional development programmes will take centre stage.

The IB have produced several very helpful free professional development courses to help colleagues learn about some key areas of the MYP curriculum. They each around 30 minutes to complete and are therefore really useful for updates.

After you complete each one, you will have an opportunity to save and download your input, to keep as an informative guide for personal use or in collaboration with a colleague or your professional learning community. 

PYP Nanos

The IB teacher professional

  • The capabilities that are best fit for a PYP teacher
  • Who should be hired? Identifying candidate strengths
  • Your own strengths and areas for development

Strong central ideas

  • Creating strong, concept driven central ideas
  • Criteria for what makes a strong central idea
  • Create central ideas using different entry points.

Concept-based learning

Consider the practices and strategies that support students to inquire at a conceptual level.

Learning in a transdisciplinary world

  • Understand the value of the transdisciplinary themes and the role of the subject areas within a transdisciplinary approach.
  • Consider how these themes provide the context for authentic and meaningful learning

Inquiry happens everywhere

  • How and where inquiry is present in our learning community
  • Inquiry learning practices
  • Create an action plan for strengthening them.

Student agency in PYP learning communities

Explore how aspects of your learning community can support student agency.

Action in the early years and beyond!

How you might create an environment that supports student-initiated action.

Use feedback to feedforward

A look at assessment

MYP Nanos

MYP interdisciplinary learning

  • What is interdisciplinary learning in the MYP?
  • What does this mean for students?
  • How do IB schools make interdisciplinary learning successful?

Personal project

  • What is the MYP Personal Project?
  • What might Year 5 MYP students do?
  • How do IB World Schools make the personal project a success?

MYP service as action

  • What is service as action in the MYP?
  • What might MYP students do?
  • How does service as action work in IB World Schools?

DP Nanos

DP Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Knowledge and Technology theme

This resource provides TOK teachers with an introduction to the new “knowledge and technology” theme, one of 5 optional themes that appear in the new TOK course (first teaching 2020/ first assessment 2022).

Clicxk HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Role of ethics in TOK

This resource provides TOK teachers with an opportunity to explore the role of ethics in the new TOK course (for first teaching 2020/ first assessment 2022).

Click HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Cross-programme Nanos

What is an IB education?

Investigating Inquiry

How can we support student inquiry? Discover what the IB means by looking across the programmes by investigating inquiry and the role it plays in an IB education.

Click HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Living and Learning Globally

How do we build school communities that develop the knowledge and competencies that are essential for living and learning in a globally connected world? Find out what the IB means by living and learning globally and the role it plays in an IB education.

Click HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Beyond the disciplines

In Beyond the disciplines the IB looks at how knowledge is interdisciplinary and how IB programmes prepare students for lifelong learning.

Click HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Approaches to Learning

What skills positively influence and support a student's approach to life-long learning? Discover what the IB means by Approaches to learning and the role it plays in an IB education.

Click HERE to go to the free Nano PD.

Nanos associated with authorisation and evaluation

Programme standards and practices (PSP)

Take these free PD courses to support your school’s transition to the 2020 Programme standards and practices (PSP). These courses provide an overview of the PSP, implementation of the PSP in your school and how to use the PSP in your programme development planning.

How does the IB support schools?

Begin your exploration of how the PSP supports schools. Find out what it is and why it’s important. View resource here

How do we use the IB programme standards and practices?

IB World Schools are living, evolving systems – what are the key parts? How do they interact to create effective practice? Use this free learning to help answers these questions and more.View resource here

How do we grow and develop our IB programmes?

Professional inquiry is a key component of programme evaluation and development. Take a look at how the PSP can inform this work. View resource here

Leadership resources


Go to the IB World Schools webinars page where you will find a complete list of webinars offered.


    Tags: Nanos
