Mission & Vision
- What is mission and what is vision? How do they differ?
- What makes a good mission and vision statement? How do we write them? How are they valuable to a school?
- What is your mission and vision? To what extent is it distinctive?
- Does your mission and vision provide a focus for the energies and direction of your school?
- How do we demonstrate our ability to align the school mission to the IB mission and philosophy?
- Tools for promoting your mission and vision.
- What role does a strategy document have? How do we develop school strategy? What makes a strategic plan effective?
- Tools for developing school strategy that you can use with governors, school leadership team and the faculty.
- 20 questions to ask about your strategy.
- How can leaders manage change? Tools for bringing about change.
- Is your school culture one that embraces or resists change?
- Think pieces to use with staff.
- Case studies from schools.
Selected Pages
Mission & Vision
WHY focus on well-being? Free
This page provides you with seven exhibits to explore. You could use them in a workshop with staff - each exhibit being...
Mission & Vision
Wellbeing: A Whole Child Approach Free
Wellbeing is about meeting the needs of the Whole Child. This is very much ingrained in the IB's holistic philosophy. And...
Mission & Vision
Well being policy Free
A well-being policy is a powerful asset for any school, providing a structured commitment to nurturing a positive, supportive...
Mission & Vision
Well-being: A central concern Free
"Child well-being is not something you can easily delegate to families and social environments; schools need to take a more...
Mission & Vision
Well-being and human flourishing Free
Wellbeing is connected with people thriving and flourishing. In the world of education the roots of education as a nurturing...
Mission & Vision
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Free
Today, educational excellence means creating learning environments where EVERY student feels safe, included, and empowered...