Making professional development work

Monday 10 February 2020

What makes professional development effective?

A new report has been released looking at international trends on teacher professional development. In this blog I summarise its key messages as well as providing links to a rich resource of material on this website to help you design your own professional development.

Research pinpoints that some of the most effective professional development and growth occurs ‘on-the-job’ and in schools. (see Personalised PD - a note from the US & Making PD Days work 

Why not plan your own in-house PD on core themes that cross all sections and subjects (e.g. embedding the learner profile, approaches to teaching and learning, what makes an IB education?).

Use the many workshops contained in this website. For example: 10 slides series - introduction to IB big ideas  What is our Global Context? | International Mindedness | IB Approaches to Teaching | IB Approaches to Learning 

Specialist subject-specific PD is also identified as powerful.

Are your staff signed up for IB subject-specific workshops | are they involved in IB forums and community blogs / networks? Reflect on the challenges of indirectly cascading learning gained at off-site workshops.

Use the links to free workshops: FREE IB Workshops | MYP & DP 

        Tags: CPD, PD, Workshops