What's our focus at the beginning of a new year?

Friday 9 August 2024

What’s Our Focus?

As colleagues in the Northern Hemisphere prepare to start a new school year, it’s a great time to refocus on our mission.

One of the main reasons I am passionate about the IB is that it is a mission-oriented organization. We are working to make the world a better and more peaceful place.

Currently, I am upskilling IB workshop leaders in one of the new IB Category 3 workshops: Action, Agency, and Engagement. This workshop focuses on how we can bring the IB mission to life in our schools and nurture young people who will make a positive difference. During the upskilling, one of the workshop leaders highlighted a TED Talk by former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Alec Peterson, the first Director General of the IB, encouraged us all when he said we have “a duty to act.” This same message was reiterated by Gordon Brown.

Gordon Brown’s TED Talk, “Wiring a Web for Global Good,” showcased global images of war, poverty, and injustice, highlighting our shared humanity. These powerful visuals reignited empathy and understanding of how interconnected our lives are.

“We are at a unique moment in history,” where global communication can foster a shared ethic.

The pain, joy, and suffering of others became more palpable, emphasizing the importance of vulnerability. By fostering this mindset in students, they can learn that there are greater things beyond themselves, embodying the essence of agency, action, and engagement.