Quick introductions to the IB

Friday 7 December 2018

What are the big IB ideas?

When I facilitate IB workshops for school leaders (administrators) and pedagogical leaders (e.g. on approaches to teaching and learning) I am often asked for succinct summaries of the big philosophical ideas behind the IB. This is the reason why I have put together short introductory PowerPoints introducing the key ideas.

This series of slide sets is intended to be used as a quick introduction to the big ideas of the IB. They can be used as a way of re-engaging all stakeholders with the bi ideas of the IB in advance of IB Authorization or as part of the 5 year self-study (Evaluation)

Each set can be used as a stand-alone presentation. However, I have also included links on each page to further workshop materials which you may wish to use to follow up on these quick introductions.

Here are the links to each set:

Tags: IB