IB Authorization & Evaluation

How do we prepare for authorization & evaluation?

A new Guide to evaluation (2020) informs all IB evaluations which take place from September 2021. Evaluations are grounded in the revised Programme standards and practices (2020).

Schools who wish to become an authorised IB World School, or be authorised to add an additional IB programme are still using the 2014 version of the Programme standards and practices.

In this section of the website we look at the key stages of becoming or being an IB World School: Candidacy, Authorization and Evaluation.

The pages have been designed for the DP Coordinator to use as they lead the faculty and guide the school leadership team through the three stages. Each of the pages is intended to be used as a stand-alone workshop to be used during a staff meeting or professional development session.

Key Themes

  • Being a Candidate School: How long does it take from showing interest to becoming authorized as an IB school? Who needs to go on a recognised IB workshop? Which documents do I need to produce?
  • The process of being authorized: What happens on a verification visit? How do I prepare faculty, leadership and governors for the verification visit? When will we know whether we have been authorized?
  • The 5 year evaluation process: Why do we need to carry out a five year evaluation? How long does the proces take? Who needs to be involved? What is the impact of the evaluation?

    Selected Pages

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