Update + IA sample

Friday 19 June 2020

I usually illustrate my bog posts with a bad photo, this time it's a good painting. This was painted by one of my students, Menzi, it's now hanging on my wall. It looks like a holiday destination but it's where I work / live. I'll be retiring in less than 5 years so keep your eyes open for the advert.

A week ago I said I was working on a set of multiple choice questions for the options, well I'm not finished. Engineering and relativity are done and I'm about 1/3 into astro. I keep having neat ideas for animations to include so it takes time. Today I got a bit side tracked. Thought it might be interesting to share my past IA sample, annotations, grade breakdown and everything. There are some examples of marked IA's on the site but not a complete sample set, now there is and there is a lot more where that came from. Subscribers can see them here IA Sample 2019.

Tags: IA, IA sample