IA at a distance

Tuesday 7 April 2020

This is Omar, he's from Egypt and can't go home right now so is still on campus, I think he might have moved into the physics lab. He's always there working on his IA. As you can see he's taking the safety precaution of using his elbow to press the lever. Exploration descriptor 5, check. The main focus of his IA was using a syringe and pressure sensor to measure the relationship between work done and temperature change. Worked well enough but many problems, all were addressed by using the PASCO kit that was made for the job. This one would have been difficult at home but I'm sure we would have come up with a solution. Ylva was also using a heavy bit of equipment that couldn't be taken home, the PASCO mechanical energy to heat apparatus. To solve this problem I turned the handle and videoed the multimeter reading, she extracted the data. Kamilla used batteries in series to produce a varying voltage, Johan used Algodoo instead of a real loop the loop. There were still toilet rolls available in China for AI to do her IA on the angular acceleration of cylinders, Sasha heated springs in the oven and Astrid built a ski jump. Some great work was done and all that mess wasn't in my lab.

The whole process has been done through Google classroom. I have a look at all documents once a day, leaving comments or if online have a chat. if needs be we connect  using hangouts or zoom.


The chat feature doesn't work in classroom but if you open the document from your Google drive it does.

For me the process has been very positive, lots of interaction (maybe even more than normal) and some good work done. I should point out that this was the only task I set during the past three weeks, no "online classes" or other "homework" assignments. I should also point out that these are IB1 students, my IB2's are all done and dusted.

After Easter we will continue with waves, using the activities on this website of course :-)

Tags: IA, online teaching