
Tuesday 17 March 2020

Here's my present situation. I'm on voluntary 14 day quarantine some of my students have gone home but most are still on campus and are instructed to to turn up for class. Some teachers are in the classroom, some are at home. Delivering course content is no problem, my students will work through the activities on this site, the challenge is how do I answer their questions? I thought of setting up a chat using google hangout but this would soon get very confusing. E mail would be horrible. Skype would be tedious. I've decided on a google group discussion forum. This should lead to an organised set of questions that I can either answer live or come back to. I have no idea how this is going to work but I'm excited to give it a go and will keep you posted.

All that I've said applies to my second years, my first years are a week into their IA investigation, this might need a different solution. The students who have returned home are doing investigations that can be done at home, one is investigating a toilet roll the other springs made of wire. Most of the others have got to the practical stage and might need help with equipment (my lab is open access) (yes, really). I will monitor progress via google classroom and if they need help with apparatus I will go to the lab when it's empty and set things up for them. Fingers crossed.

Tags: online teaching, reflections, google classroom

18 Mar 2020