Instruction videos

Sunday 24 March 2019

I joined Chris as an author on Think IB Physics last autumn. Since then you will have noticed changes to the site navigation and the addition of teaching support material to accompany the student resources. Check out the blog post Site update (EM) for a reminder.

A couple of things have struck me during my time here:

  1. There are now more subscribers to the site than ever before - we want you to feel welcome.
  2. The trends behind the scenes reveal that re-subscribers aren't making full use of the site.

    To help all of you to get the most out of your subscription, I have written a series of short videos and will publish one each week. They'll be collated on the Getting started page for easy access.

    The first is on Lesson Planning and will take you on a journey through our resources. I hope you enjoy!


    IA again
    27 Mar 2019