Online lesson planning
Why do some teachers find remote teaching so difficult?
Professional inquiry: Talking to colleagues who are Heads of School it is clear that some teachers are more easily rising to the challenges posed by remote teaching than others. So what makes a good (online) lesson?
With school campuses closed even the most experienced teachers are having to learn new skills as they design virtual lessons. It is extremely challenging especially for teachers who are finding that they cannot just replicate what they would do in a physical classroom, We look at key professional lessons we are learning at Lessons we are learning about teaching and learning online.
This is an opportunity to rethink what makes a lesson effective. It is an opportunity to pair back, and only keep hold of the things which make lessons effective and apply them to both the virtual classroom and the physical classroom. On this page I argue that the ingredients of an effective online lesson are the same as a face-to-face lesson, but remote learning requires teachers to be exquisite at executing these essentials.
Summary: Ingredients of effective (online) lessons
- Connect: with learning goals, clear purpose and identify each students' starting points.
- Personalise: learning is built on what you know about students through diagnostic data and their interests.
- Engage: through sensory hooks and appropriate pace and challenge.
- Teach less: focus on depth and mastery rather than breadth of coverage.
- Formative: Reflection and self-assessment is built in.
I like this quick lesson plan reminder from Colegio Gran Bretana, Bogota, Colombia: