raining in silicon valley

Friday 4 February 2011

Now it's raining again so I'm glad that  got a new jacket for Christmas. My old jacket was 15 years old and although still sort of functional was looking a bit warn out. The new one is a top of the range Bergans jacket with all modern features. I am amazed at the progress  in this time, my new jacket has been designed the old one was sewn. The hood on the old one was like putting a bag on your head the new ones hood is like a hat, the biggest news however is the material it's made out of, the water simply runs of it. This is particulary noticeable when I take the coat off and give it a shake, this would have no effect on the old coat but the water flies off the new one leaving it almost dry. Apparently its all to do with silicon, what a useful element this seems to be.

Tags: technology, EE, rain, water

Bath time
6 Feb 2011
3 Feb 2011