On the pull

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Last post I mentioned that we have a Gordon setter, his name is Ben and he keeps me sane by making me get away from the computer to go for walks. He is our first dog and we have not managed to train him very well and one area we have failed in is teaching him to walk nicely on the lead. I already had long arms before we had Ben but now they are even longer, there is one advantage though and that is when going uphill. A couple of years ago  read a book about fell running (Feet in the clouds) and for a while I was inspired to run up mountains,  naturally I did this with Ben who loved to pull me upwards. What I didn't like to admit was how much my times were affected by this upward force, I thought it must be due to my natural fitness but when I tried without Ben my times were no where near so good. Would make an interesting investigation.

Tags: dog, forces, EE,

3 Feb 2011