More is more

Sunday 30 January 2011

Yesterday evening I watched a re-run of a Top Gear programme where Richard Hammond races a ford mustang against a G-wiz electric car. The first run with normal power is predictably won by the mustang but then they put in 10 times more batteries and the electric car wins. To get more power the batteries must be connected in parallel so that the pd is 10x bigger, this would give 100 times more power (V2/R) but wouldn't it also burn all the wiring and the motor. I guess that's why this version of the car was radio controlled. The extra weight of all the batteries might also be a problem. I have a friend who helped set up the cameras when Top Gear did a race between some climbers and a car driving up the Verdon Gorge, he said it was a complete fix, maybe this is too. Got to be careful where you get information from.Ringing Brass Bell

Tags: EE, Top gear, cars, power, TOK