Rock climber wins Nobel prize in physics

Tuesday 25 October 2016

From Hard Rock by Ken WilsonMike Kosterlitz has just shared the Nobel prize in physics with two other non rock climbers for their work on 'theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter.' which is something about toplogy, phases and matter. I know nothing about his work but I do know something about the climb in the photo. It´s a photo of Gormenghast from the iconic book "Hard Rock " by Ken Wilson. When the book came out I couldn´t wait to get a copy. Like a lot of climbers at the time , I tried to do as many of the routes as possible. Did quite a few but when Extreme rock came out hard just wasn´t hard enough anymore.

I climbed this one solo (without a rope), just saying.

Tags: interesting, rock climbing

Rain wow
16 Oct 2016