InThinking Subject Sites

Subscription websites for IB teachers & their classes

Disclaimer: InThinking subject sites are neither endorsed by nor connected with the International Baccalaureate Organisation.

IB Approved Workshops
Physics (New Syllabus)
IB DP Category 1

Online (IB Approved), 25 - 27 October 2024
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Virtual Think-Ins
Exams in the new DP Physics

Virtual Think-In, 14 October 2024
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Required Skills & Inquiry tools in the new DP Physics

Virtual Think-In, 21 October 2024
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Find all InThinking Workshops at

Emma Mitchell

Emma Mitchell is a physics teacher and Academic Director at UWC Red Cross Nordic in Norway. Originally from Northern Ireland and a fan of hill walking and rowing, she has conducted part-time EdD research on girls' participation in physics and uptake of post-compulsory subjects. She is pleased to have qualified as a Workshop Leader in 2023, having assisted Chris three times in 2018!

  • Emma tweets very occasionally to a small number of followers @emmaphysics
  • Some university papers and other writings are available here
  • ...and you can even see Emma in action discussing Physics and Light for a school interdisciplinary event
Connect if you'd like to keep up with my geeky life!