Text-Type Debates (Masculinity)

Thursday 5 September 2024

This week, we are continuing to post resources about the representation of masculinity.  Two weeks ago, we published a page that begins this discussion – found here.

This week, we have set up debates about masculinity.  You can find them here.  Think of it as a text-type face-off of sorts.  Two text types, both exploring masculinity in some way, face-off against each other.  Students debate the merits of each text type and argue back and forth.  There’s also an ending plenary and exit card reflection to complete the lesson.

In total, you will find three debates with an optional fourth one included (caution: watch the video for the 4th debate before assigning it to students!  It will not be appropriate to use in some schools in some contexts).

And in reality, you probably won’t conduct four debates!  It’s just too much.  Check out the page to see which debate you like best and go from there.  As for timing, each debate will probably take two full 60 minute lessons – one for preparation and one for execution.  Have fun with them - they've been set up to get your classes highly engaged!


Tim and David

Tags: Tim, masculinity, representation, debates, text types, Paper 1 lessons